Art My Ass: An interview with Megan

Megan Hinds: Badass Artsist

Megan Hinds: Badass Artsist


How does if feel to be an influential artist?

“It feels really good to have people admire my artwork. I spend hours on end designing, creating, and pouring my heart into my work. Just to having someone other than myself enjoy it gives me a sense of fulfillment. My work is sculptural, playful, and is meant to bring the desire of exploration to the viewer. The more people who get to experience my artwork the more playfulness and joy am I able to bring to peoples environments, homes, and social pages.

Whats the deal with Picasso?

“Picasso is a famous artist, there are many extremely talented and famous artist out there. They are pushing the boundary, thinking before their time and giving a fresh insight to our community.”

What is the first thing you do in the morning?

“The first thing I do is make a cup of coffee and enjoy an egg and avocado. Coffee in the morning is pretty much a must for me. My schedule is really flexible so my mornings change depending on the week. If I have a big festival or exhibition coming up I tend to get to the studio around 7:00am and get straight to work. Other slower weeks constist of applications, sketching and cutting paper.”

Where does your work typically get its inspiration?

“I am extremely connected to nature. As a child my parents could not get me to come inside. Spending hours climbing trees, making mud stews, and collecting insects. I am still very much inspired by nature as seen in my eariler work however my move to Chicago has proposed a new set of influences. My surroundings have been replaced very much by man made elements. I am currently exploring the cities grid structure and constant rebuilding.”

What helps your creativity the most?

“I am finding that my enviroment helps my creativity. Being in a place of safty. Allowing myself to feel calm enough to soak in my surroundings, how it is contructed and what can be discovered.”

Whats your favorite genre and artist of music?

“I have gotten the name “cave woman” from many people due to my lack of knowledge in “trending music”. When I work I tend to listen to the classics Ray Charles, Etta James, and even Mozart. I also love a good sad song, I could listen to slow sad songs all day. I just got a spotify premuim so my life may change for the better?! We shall see.”